by Manju Akhand, MD | Oct 19, 2023 | Baby Foods, Baby Milestones, Infant Feeding
The first year of a baby’s life is a period of rapid growth and development, marked by a series of milestones that showcase the remarkable progress of a tiny human being. These big and small milestones are crucial indicators of a baby’s physical,...
by Manju Akhand, MD | Feb 24, 2021 | Baby Foods, Infant Feeding
At 9 months, babies can tolerate soft foods like cooked noodles, rice, soft breads, soft steamed vegetables in small chunks or bite size pieces, like soft and diced steamed carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, cooked tomatoes, soft beans, peas, soft fruits, soft meats,...
by Manju Akhand, MD | Feb 16, 2021 | Baby Foods, Infant Feeding
How do I know that my baby is ready for solids? Solid foods are generally recommended for babies starting at 4 months to 6 months age. By this time the baby is usually sitting with support and has good head and neck control. Also, the tongue thrusting reflex is fading...
by Manju Akhand, MD | Feb 4, 2021 | Infant Feeding
Other common questions asked by parents are listed below. Q4. Does my baby need supplemental vitamins or iron? For a full term baby, breast milk provides sufficient vitamins and minerals with the exception of Vitamin D. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends...
by Manju Akhand, MD | Jan 24, 2021 | Infant Feeding
I often get asked questions about feeding infants by new parents in my practice. I have listed below some of the commonly asked questions. Infancy is a period that is marked by a very rapid growth and physical development. For infants to grow and develop at...